
Cut & Sew

Cut & Sew Manufacturer Online USA

Thunderwear is a renowned cut & sew manufacturer in the USA.

Traditional, mass-produced clothing manufacturing involves creating a garment before a design is printed onto it. A plain T-shirt or sweatshirt, for example, will be created and then the desired graphic or other feature will be printed onto it.

Cut & Sew, on the other hand, reverses this process – the fabric is printed before the garment is cut and manufactured.

The Cut & Sew process offers several benefits to customers and enables much more control over the creative design process, delivering greater opportunities for customisation and a higher-quality end product.

Cut & Sew manufacturers create clothing from materials that are owned and/or provided by the customer. They trace a garment pattern onto the fabric (enabling uniformity of pattern placement and matching at seams where desired), cut the fabric, and then sew these fabric pieces to create the piece of clothing.

Cut & Sew is particularly prevalent in the creation of custom streetwear and urban fashion like hoodies and T-shirts. The result is apparel that is of higher quality than generic or mass-produced items.

Benefits of Cut & Sew Manufacturing:

  • Enhanced Creativity
  • Limitless Color Palette Options
  • Bespoke Pattern Design
  • Attention to Detail
  • High Degree of Precision
  • Low Minimum Order Quantities
  • Quality Assurance
  • Premium Products
  • Streamlined Processes
  • 100% Unique Garments

Thunderwear – Your Preferred
Cut & Sew Manufacturer

With a wealth of experience in our industry, a fantastic reputation, creative talent, and unique insight into emerging trends, Thunderwear is your go-to for truly unique custom streetwear, corporate and team clothing, and other apparel.

There is no better way to create unique clothing offerings to reflect your brand and customise your style with the simplest or more complex designs. This type of clothing fits better, is more comfortable to wear, and it is made to last.

We can collaborate with you to create a private label that is unlike anything else available and which sets you apart for added value and return on your investment.

Get in touch with us today!

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